
An Athlete’s Quick Guide to Self-Assessment

As athletes, it is always important to be able to self-assess our body's ability to perform at high intensity levels. Just as our cars feature alert systems such as "check engine", "low tire pressure", etc. our body's need to be able to do the same to assure that we are safe, and most efficient through...

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Dynamic VS Static Stretching

Stretching our bodies is not something new, and while there are many different types of stretching the idea is the same. Our muscles tend to shorten over time and with constant use. Stretching is important to help elongate our muscles and decrease any movement restrictions these tight muscles may have on our bodies. While we…

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Proper Nutrition to Incinerate Inflammation

This blog is inspired by the many questions that the therapists at our facility get pertaining to nutrition plans and inflammation. Nutrition is a growing trend today. People are more aware of what they are eating and the effect it may have on their body. You have likely heard of many different types of foods…

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Text Neck

Whoever imagined that the day would come when "text neck" would become an actual medical diagnosis. Well, it is here. It is quite evident that the use and misuse of smart phones and tablets is becoming an ever growing trend. And despite what my mother may say, it is not just "these young kids". Smart phone...

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Core First Strategies

Our bodies take a beating day after day, week by week, year by year. Symptoms associated with back and neck discomforts are incredibly common. In my career I have seen all too often that people approach pain by saying "well, this is how it is and how it will always be". Nothing is more painful...

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